The commitment to the preservation of biodiversity in the areas of our activities, is one of the essential elements that integrates and inspires the corporate policy of Xali Gold Corp. and its subsidiaries. For this reason we consider it is necessary to publish the basic guidelines of our Wildlife Protection Policy.
Corporate Governance
Wildlife Protection Policy
Safety, Environmental, and Social Responsibility Policy
The commitment to prevent and eliminate work risks and provide environmental protection, and social responsibility in all of our actions is one of the essential elements in the corporate policies of Xali Gold Corp. and its subsidiaries. For this reason Xali Gold considers it necessary to publish its principles as a policy statement outlining the principles which Xali Gold and its subsidiaries are committed to.
Download: Candente Gold Safety Environmental and Social Responsibility Policy (74Kb)
Corporate Governance Policy
The board of directors (the "Board") and senior management of Xali Gold Corp. (the "Company") consider sound corporate governance to be a central component in the effective and efficient operation of the Company. Therefore, the Company has established the following Statement of Corporate Governance Policies (the "Statement"). The Statement describes the basic approach of the Company to corporate governance and is set out below.
Code Of Ethics Policy
The Code of Ethics applies to Xali Gold Corp. ("Xali Gold", or the "Company") and all its Subsidiary and affiliated companies.
Audit Committee
The Xali Gold Compensation Committee will discharge the Board's responsibilities relating to compensation of the Company's executive officers. The Committee is responsible for recommending levels of executive compensation that are competitive and motivating in order to attract, hold and inspire the chief executive officer, senior officers and other key employees and for recommending compensation for Directors.
Download: Candente Gold Compensation Committee Charter (66Kb)
Corporate Disclosure Policy
The objective of this disclosure policy is to ensure that communications to the investing public about Xali Gold Corp. (the "Company") and its subsidiaries (the Company and its subsidiaries are collectively referred to as the "Group") are:
Whistleblower Policy
Xali Gold Corp. (the "Company") has implemented a Code of Ethics (the "Code") that requires its directors, officers and employees to observe high standards of business and personal ethics in the conduct of their duties and responsibilities. As employees and representatives of the Company, they are expected to practice honesty and integrity in fulfilling their responsibilities and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.